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Get a Preventive Skin Cancer Screening in Venice, FL

When you find a new spot on your skin or think a mole is changing color, the fear of skin cancer naturally arises. Skin cancer is among the most common forms of cancer. The American Academy of Dermatology estimates that one in five Americans will develop some type of skin cancer during the course of their lives. Almost 10,000 people are diagnosed with skin cancer every day. Luckily, skin cancer is highly treatable as long as it is found relatively early. Venice Dermatology Clinic P.A. performs preventive skin cancer screenings for eligible patients at our clinic in Venice, Florida. Patients with a history of skin cancer or qualifying reasons for concern are eligible for screenings. Learn more about our preventative cancer screenings.

doctor looking at patient's skin

What Is a Preventive Skin Cancer Screening?

Skin cancer doesn’t have to be scary if you are vigilant and get routine skin cancer screenings. When looking at a spot on your own skin, it can be hard to tell whether it’s something to be concerned about. That is why everyone should get skin cancer screenings from a board-certified dermatologist. Our dermatologist can examine all unusual spots, marks, and growths. We have the knowledge to help you understand whether any particular spot should be biopsied, removed, or left alone. The only way to know for sure is to let a professional look at it.

doctor treating her patient

When Should I Get a Skin Cancer Screening?

One of the most common questions we get is, “How do I know if I need to have a dermatologist look at an unusual spot on my skin?” Well, in general, any new or changing spot on your skin that lasts for more than a week or two should be inspected by a dermatologist. On top of that, most people should get routine skin cancer screenings, whether they notice skin abnormalities or not. However, some of the most important skin changes that you should be on the lookout for include the following:

  • New spots on your skin
  • Spots on your skin that change in size, shape, or color
  • Spots that itch or cause pain
  • Sores that do not heal properly or develop a crusty layer
  • Shiny bumps on the skin
  • Scaly growths on the skin
  • Growths with a raised border
  • Scar-like growths that do not have a well-defined border

Schedule Your Skin Cancer Screening Today!

If you have a spot on your skin that has been worrying you, don’t hesitate. Seeing a dermatologist for preventive skin cancer screenings should be as routine as your yearly physical check-up. Our dermatologists have helped countless patients remove cancerous skin cells. In fact, many patients are surprised by how straightforward the process is. Our dermatologist will work with you to ensure you understand the screening process ahead of time. Schedule your preventive cancer screening today!

Schedule an Appointment With a Dermatologist Today!